Sunday, March 6, 2011

Camellia Time

Early spring is the time of year we get to marvel in the beauty of our camellias in the deep South. This is a beautiful flower. Stately with just a hint of pink. It was tagged incorrectly; it looks a lot like Moonlight Bay further down the page.

Melissa Anne has  a large white flower with ruffled petals.

I have been anxious for these delicate rose-like blooms to open before we have more bad weather. Here it is today:  Moonlight Bay! Extraordinary!

These are Betty Sheffied Supreme.

First bloom in our garden (a little weathered) is Silver Triumph.


Stunning red and white:  Magic City!

Love this subtle pink beauty - Margaret Davis!

You can learn more about these beautiful plants at This is also the time to propagate by grafting.

In a few months we'll get to see if this one "takes".

If you have an opportunity, visit a camellia garden and enjoy the beauty. This would be a great time to see Magnolia Gardens  near Charleston, S. C. It won't be long before spring will be showing off its best blooms!
Kudos to Philip for all his work on the camellias!! What a great hobby!!